This agreement is between you and GuestPostSoftware, governing your access and use of our services. By continuing to use our site, you confirm that you understand and agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, and consent to the use of available payment providers. GuestPostSoftware reserves the right to terminate user accounts for any unlawful activity.

If you disagree with these Terms and the Acceptable Use Policy, please discontinue using GuestPostSoftware. We reserve the right to amend the Terms and Conditions without formal notification. Each time you use our services, the updated Terms and Conditions will apply. The latest version is always available on


The minimum age to register on GuestPostSoftware is sixteen years. You agree that all provided details are accurate and consent to GuestPostSoftware using this information according to our Privacy Policy. GuestPostSoftware accounts cannot be transferred or assigned under any circumstances.

Account Registration

To use our services, you must register with a personal account. Ensure that your information is correct and kept updated. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account password and for all activities that occur under your account.

Terms and Conditions for Buyers

  • Choosing a Platform: Buyers have the right to select a platform to promote based on the details provided by Publishers on GuestPostSoftware.
  • Task Rejection: Tasks may be rejected if:
  • They remain in the Acceptance status for more than 14 days.
  • The publisher has not submitted the project for approval after being in Progress status for over 14 days.
  • Support and Communication: Buyers can contact GuestPostSoftware support to request task reallocation if:
  • The task has been in progress for at least 5 days.
  • There is no response from the publisher.
  • No updates are received from the publisher.
  • Pricing and Payment: Prices for services are set by the Publishers. Communication between Publishers and Buyers is stored on the GuestPostSoftware server and can be used to resolve disputes. Buyers cannot change the task brief after the publisher has started working on it. Payments are made after task completion, and insufficient account funds will prompt a request to refill the balance. Accounts inactive for more than 180 days are considered dormant.

Terms and Conditions for Buying Articles

Buyers can purchase articles by placing orders through their accounts. They must specify topics, themes, categories, and required word count.

Ordering an Article

Buyers must provide complete and accurate information. GuestPostSoftware is not responsible for the articles, including any breaches or damages related to third-party rights.

Acceptance of an Article

Once an article is completed, it will be sent to the buyer for review. Buyers can:

  • Accept the article.
  • Request changes within three days of receipt, with a maximum of one amendment request per article.
  • Reject the article with a revision request.

Article Revision Request

If no change is requested within three days, the article is considered accepted. Buyers must provide clear and detailed instructions for revisions. If the writer fails to make the required changes, buyers can reject the article, and the reserved funds will be returned to their main account balance. GuestPostSoftware has the final decision on article rejection appeals.

Rights to Accept the Article

Buyers gain full rights to the article only after acceptance and full payment. Once accepted, buyers can use, distribute, and sell the article in any media.

Terms and Conditions for Publishers

  • Task Acceptance: Publishers must accept tasks from buyers within five days.
  • Task Rejection: Tasks will be rejected if:
  • They remain in “Your Acceptance status” for more than 14 days.
  • They remain in Progress status for more than 14 days without submission for buyer approval.
  • Task Completion: Publishers must complete tasks within the specified time. Prices for services are set by Publishers. Buyers can request up to three revisions before releasing payment. Publishers cannot delete any content from the platform. Disputes will be resolved by GuestPostSoftware administration. Publishers’ accounts may be suspended for breaching Terms and Conditions. Payments are transferred to the publisher’s account balance upon task completion and buyer approval. Only approved tasks are eligible for withdrawal. Correct PayPal email must be provided for payment requests. If a site is removed before task completion, the task money will be returned to the buyer.

Terms and Conditions for Writers

  • Content Ownership: All content on the website is owned by GuestPostSoftware and protected by trademark, copyright, and unfair competition regulations. Writers agree not to steal, distribute, copy, sell, or license content without prior consent.
  • Responsibility for Content: Writers are responsible for all content uploaded, submitted, or displayed. GuestPostSoftware has the right to use, distribute, reformat, and reproduce displayed content. Writers must earn a minimum of $5 to start getting paid, with payments made through PayPal every Monday. Writers must provide their official PayPal email for payment. GuestPostSoftware is not responsible for the accuracy of information or links from third-party websites. Writers are responsible for interactions or transactions with such websites. GuestPostSoftware can suspend or terminate access to the website for any Terms and Conditions violations without prior notice.

Refund Policy

GuestPostSoftware credits show all listed prices. PayPal and credit cards can be used for purchases. Services are considered purchased and are not subject to refunds. If a user believes a mistake has occurred, they can contact GuestPostSoftware and request a refund within 30 days. No refunds will be given for payments made more than 30 days ago.

Limitation of Liability

GuestPostSoftware is not liable for any damages, including direct, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, arising from the use of our services or this agreement. We are not responsible for user ability or inability to use website content or data.

No Warranty

GuestPostSoftware does not guarantee the competence, precision, or inclusiveness of data and materials. No warranties, explicit or implicit, are provided, including but not limited to third-party rights, copyrights, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. The client is responsible for the adequacy and legality of ordered content.


By agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless GuestPostSoftware and its representatives from all claims, losses, expenses, damages, and liabilities arising from your use of and access to the services and website.

Third-Party Links

GuestPostSoftware may contain links to websites controlled by other parties. We do not provide any warranty or judgment regarding the content of these sites. You are solely responsible for any consequences of interacting with such links.

Account Termination

GuestPostSoftware may suspend user accounts immediately for any breach of Terms and Conditions or reported abuse. Usage of our services for adult content-related activities is prohibited, and such content will be suspended or terminated without prior notification.