Guestpostsoftware’s privacy policy is designed to strictly protect any data you provide while using our platform. We are committed to user privacy, conducting regular checks to ensure your data, including personal information, images, text, logos, and links, is protected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

This privacy statement covers the collection, treatment, and use of any personal information gathered by Guestpostsoftware from users, job applicants, and visitors. It does not apply to third parties, including third-party websites, services, or applications accessed through our services.

Information Collection

When you register on our platform, we request personal information such as email, phone number, and address for registration purposes. Guestpostsoftware does not share your data with third parties. The information you provide is used solely to offer our services and provide support. Occasionally, we may send marketing information of interest to our users.

By using our services, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information.

Information Collected from Job Applicants

To process and review applications, we retain information such as CVs and personal details. If an applicant is not selected, we securely delete all retained information.

Privacy Policy Updates

This updated Privacy Policy (version ppv.2024) fully complies with applicable regulations. We regularly review and update it to ensure compliance with legal standards.

Data Collected Through Our Website

We collect personal information like your name, invoice address, email ID, payment history, and communication with Guestpostsoftware. Non-personal information such as browser type, language, and hardware specifications is also collected to identify user browsers.

If you wish to know the information we store or update your details, email us at This helps keep your records updated.

Guestpostsoftware uses cookies to track visitor behavior. We use Google Analytics to collect statistics on website pages visited.

Use of Gathered Information

We gather data to understand your needs and provide a more personalized experience. This information may also be used for market research.

Links to Other Websites

Guestpostsoftware may contain third-party links. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these websites. Interaction with these websites is at your own risk, and we are not liable for any privacy violations or data breaches.

User Rights

Users have the right to:

  • Change or correct data in their personal account
  • Review and request deletion of their data
  • Restrict the processing and collection of their data
  • Keep their personal data anonymous

Compliance with Regulatory Authorities

Guestpostsoftware regularly reviews compliance with our Privacy Policy. We promptly address any formal complaints and coordinate with regulatory authorities to resolve issues related to personal data transfer.

Data Collection from Minors

The minimum age to use our services is sixteen. If we discover that a user under sixteen has provided personal information, we take steps to delete the data. By using our services, you confirm that you are at least sixteen years old.

Sending of Emails

The email address you provide will be used to send newsletters and updates about new services, pricing, company news, and blog posts. You can opt-out of receiving these emails by unsubscribing.

Provision of “Do Not Track”

Currently, there is no industry standard for recognizing DNT signals, so we do not respond to them.

Legal Notices

Guestpostsoftware’s Privacy Policy is subject to our Terms and Conditions, which take precedence over any conflicting provisions in this Privacy Policy.

Website Contact Information

Whether new or existing, we encourage users to review our Terms and Conditions and understand our services. For questions or feedback regarding our Privacy Policy, contact us at

No Zero-Error Performance

Guestpostsoftware does not guarantee zero-error performance under this Privacy Policy. Despite our best efforts, human errors may occur. We welcome feedback on any privacy issues encountered on our website and strive to provide a comfortable and error-free experience. For issues or to report errors, contact us at

Information Storage

Personal data shared or input on our website is stored on our server while you are an authorized user. By using our website, you consent to the storage and processing of your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Data will be stored until a specific request is made.

Use of Website Cookies

Cookies enhance user experience by providing relevant data and information. You have the option to accept or decline cookies. Declining cookies may affect your website experience.

Remarketing Technique

Our ads may be shown on the internet by third-party vendors (including Google). These vendors use cookies to display relevant ads based on your website visits. You can opt-out of Google’s cookies on the Google advertising opt-out page.